Building a Brighter Future
Annual Report FY2019
July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019
Our mission is to use the power of housing to transform lives and build a brighter future for our communities.
On the Level
with Executive Director Scott McReynolds
Thank you for making fiscal year 2019 a remarkable year for HDA! This was our 25th year of serving the community. Our dedicated staff, under the guidance of our esteemed Board of Directors, has done an incredible job of expanding our services while maintaining the strength and effectiveness of our programs. Their efforts, combined with your continued generosity, have allowed HDA to impact more families this year than ever before! In doing so, this year led to a list of milestones for our organization. Just to name a few:- in 2018 HDA constructed our 270th new home,
- completed our 700th home repair, and
- served our 1,000th family with safe, high quality, and affordable housing!
Though a lot was accomplished this year, we know there is still a lot of work to do within our communities. With your help, HDA will continue to grow, meeting the needs of more families each year.
As we look to the future, HDA’s new goal is to serve our next 1,000 families in just 10 years. What previously took us 25 years to achieve, HDA now looks to do it in a single decade. I believe HDA can achieve this goal and so much more, but it can’t be done alone. Your continued service and generosity will make this possible. I hope you will continue serving with us in 2020, as together we build a better and brighter region for the families of Eastern Kentucky.
R. Scott McReynolds, Executive Director
Where We've Been, Where We Are, Where We're GOING
Building more homes, touching more lives!
Since HDA began serving the families of Eastern Kentucky in 1993, we have focused on growing our organization to be a sustainable, efficient, and widely impactful organization. As a result of our lean operations and program-focused spending, the Housing Development Alliance has grown to become one of the largest nonprofit affordable housing developers in the state of Kentucky.
Repairing Homes,
Restoring Lives
Meet Dorsie
Dorsie is a widow, living alone and on a small
fixed income in the home her husband built more
than 36 years ago. Diagnosed with a bone disease,
Dorsie was often confined to the 2nd floor of her
house, since the main living quarters are separated
from her laundry room, pantry, and main entryway by
a 14-step staircase.
Since being diagnosed, Dorsie has struggled to maintain both her independence and mobility. When her 20-year-old heating unit finally gave out, Dorsie was unsure how she could have it replaced. With winter approaching quickly, a friend recommended she call the Housing Development Alliance (HDA) for help.
Assessing her situation, HDA soon discovered her needs were much larger than that of just needing HVAC repair. Noticing her limited mobility, HDA became concerned about her safety. In talking with Dorsie, she noted she had already fallen four to five times in the last six months on the stairs. So scared of falling again, she often called her family anytime she had to use the stairs. If no one answered, she had to wait until they called back or came to help her.
Thanks to the generosity of HDA’s supporters, the improvements made to Dorsie’s house have made it so that she can age-in-place safely and comfortably as she enjoys the warmth and safety of her own home. Utilizing more than $3,200 of gifted funds, HDA leveraged an additional $6,785 to replace her aging HVAC system with a highly energy-efficient unit and installed a chair lift in her stairwell. Dorsie now has complete access to every room of her house!
Transforming Families
It was the best decision we ever made for our family. The added privacy and safety of our new home was worth it all.
Judy Combs
Nearly 16 years ago, Donnie and Judy Combs were renting an apartment on East Main Street in Hazard, working inside the city limits and raising their two-year-old daughter, Kaitlin. As Kaitlin grew up, they soon became tired of the lack of space and privacy and for paying for a place they would never own.
At that time, the Housing Development Alliance (HDA) had helped build Donnie’s mother, Bonnie Crabtree, a home, so the Combs family began to wonder if they too could become homeowners. They took their first step toward their new dream by visiting HDA’s office.
After discussing eligibility requirements for HDA’s Homeownership Program, Judy and Donnie decided to begin the application process. When the news of their loan, home design, and building lot had been approved and construction had begun, the Combs family was ecstatic! After a few short months, the home was completed, and the family was ready to move in and begin a new chapter of their lives.
Immediately, they fell in love with their new lifestyle.
Since moving into their home, the Combs family has never looked back. Donnie and Judy continue to uphold their two main priorities: working hard to pay their bills and giving their daughter the opportunities she needs to succeed.
Now, some 16 years later, the Combs family continues to reap the rewards of their hard work and dedication. On May 21st, they got to witness their daughter walk across the stage to receive her diploma as a graduate of Hazard High School. As Donnie and Judy cried tears of happiness, it was a reminder to us all that hard work and dedication pay off. The Combs family made a decision all those years ago to work hard to become and remain a homeowner. In doing that, they instilled the same work ethic in their daughter.
Kaitlin’s determination and mentality toward life was clear to see on her graduation day. Atop her graduation cap she had written a little poem she lives her life by: “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, I’ll always get up after I fall, and whether I run, walk, or have to crawl, I’ll set my goals and achieve them all.”
More Than 100 Families Served!
Through a combination of our programs and services, our work touched more households than ever before in fiscal year 2019!
HDA Snapshot
Funding for our programs and services.
In FY2019, HDA had an annual budget of $3,646,007.94.
Where Does Our Funding Originate?
How Do We Use Our Funding?
Over 92% of our funding is spent directly on the programs and services that impact the families of our region.
Thank You to Our Funders, Donors & Partners!
in alphabetical order
1st Trust Bank
AEP – Kentucky Power District
Alice Hall
American Business Systems
Anne Gilbert
Annie Williams
Appalachia Service Project: Chavies
Arlene Baker
Ashley Cochrane
Becky McKenzie
Berea College Appalachian Fund
Betsy Clemons
Bill, Linda & Ashton Fields
Billy Fields
Carolyn May
Carolyn Davis
Cecilia Maggard
Community Trust Bank
Connor & Karrie McBryde
Craig’s Heating and Cooling
Dan & Christine Weber
Delores Barr Weaver Fund
Derek & Brittany Lewis
Dexter Melton
Double LL Construction
Edgar Whitaker
Edward M. & Mary Ellen Grigsby
Emily Jones Hudson
First Federal Savings & Loan
Frank Morris
Fred & Ruth Skaggs
Gail & Richard Westman
Hazard ARH Regional Medical Center
Hazard Radiology Associates PSC
Hazard Rotary Club
Hazard-Perry County Women’s Club
Helen Wells
Home Depot Foundation
Home Lumber Company
Home Lumber Redi Mix
Jack & Kathy Rivel
James & Marcia Brown
Dr. James M. & Judy Jolly
Jane Wilhite
Janet Prater-Smith
Janie Hackney
Jeannine Christian
Jen Stone
Jennifer Rapp
Jerry & Mary Ann Doll
Jimmy & Sondra Maggard
Dr. J. Marvin & Joyce Jolly
Joey Childers
John Juech
John Farler
John Frank Gross
John & Kathy Doll,
John & Laura Hansen
Jonathan & Kristin Collins
Dr. Joseph Florence
Josh & Fairlena Bakun
Karen & Gerry Reuter
Kathryn Beach
K.C. Brashear
Kendall Reamhm
Kiwanis Club of Hazard
Latha Chandrashekar
Les & Maggie Roll
Lou Ella & Ronnie Farler
Luke Glaser & Mae Humiston
Marcia Potthast
Margaret Yoke
Margaret Collins
Margaret D. Keith
Marilyn Benoit
Mark Thornton
Martin Douthitt
Mary & Scott Dismukes
Melvin Pollard
Michael Hauser
Mike Straford
Mike & Julie Hodge
Mike & Winnie Beach
M&M Septic
Molly O’Rourke
Morgan Kirk
Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Church
Mountain Real Estate Co.
Nancy & Paul Collins
Nathan Smith
Norman & Donna Vincent
Peoples Bank & Trust Company
Randy & Jackie Moon
Rick & Janice King
Robin Gabbard
Rockefeller Family Fund Inc.
Roger & Barbara Wrisberg
Russell Oliver
Sandra Blandau
Scott & Janet McReynolds
Sheila Stoffel
Shirley Kadoura
South Elkhorn Christian Church
Sunshine Is Ltd.
Susan Duff
Tammy Ekrut
Teresa & Ron Reed
Thompson Charitable Foundation
Timothy Dunn
Timothy & Madeleinne Baker
Todd Morgan
Tom & Letha Patterson
Tom & Marjorie Weeber
Tonya McQueen
Tony & Melissa Brashear
Trinity United Methodist Church – Birmingham, AL
TVS Cable
Vera Hopper
Vicki Knott, and
Warren Charter
1st Congregational Church UCC, DC
AEP-KY Power
Bike & Build, Inc.
Boston College (MA)
Butler University (IN)
Champaign United Methodist Church (IL)
First Presbyterian Church of Neenah, WI
Geist Christian Church (IN)
Hazard First Presbyterian Church
Hazard High School
Hazard High School Theatre
Hazard Community & Technical College (HCTC)
HDA Staff & Families
Hickory Hill Recovery Center
Manatau United Youth (OH)
Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church (KY)
Michigan State University
Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Community
Perry County Central JROTC
Perry County Drug Court
Pullen Memorial Baptist Church (NC)
Saint Joseph’s University (PA)
SYKES Enterprises
Tom Weeber and Bob Redlinger (IA)
WellCare Health Plans of Kentucky
Join Us!
Your support means even more Appalachian Kentucky families will be able to live with stability, dignity, and hope in a better home they can afford.
We build because every East Kentucky family deserves a home they can afford. Give to HDA and help families get a brand-new home or improve the home they have.
Whether you’re from near or far, with HDA, you have the opportunity to build in the hills of East Kentucky and help transform whole families and communities!
Tell Others
Be an ambassador for HDA in your own community and let others know how they can join our cause to bring affordable housing to East Kentucky families in need!